Litter Bins for Outdoor Use

Litter Bins for a Clean Environment

Litter on pavements or at the side of the road is not a nice sight for a residential area or a city centre. It therefore makes sense to give people the opportunity to dispose of their rubbish properly. Litter bins ensure order and cleanliness.

We offer durable and modern waste bins for all purposes in different filling volumes for wall or post mounting. Whether made of stainless steel, wood, plastic or aluminium - the waste bin should fit into the cityscape. Ideal for municipalities or even the commercial sector.

HYDROTEC is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001 and DIN EN ISO 14001.

Do you have any questions or would you like more information?

Sophia Kullmann
Internal Sales

Litter Bins for Outdoor Use

©2025 HYDROTEC Technologies AG

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